Failed intellectuals, arm-chair revolutionaries, frustrated utopians, tyrannical tycoons, spoilt spitritualists, profiteers, corrupt capitalists, lecherous leftists- all have ganged up against humanity in an unholy alliance.

whatever your views, whatever your religion, language, caste, color, creed, credo, nationality, profession, ideology, culture or any idiocyncracy --remember one thing that you will have to live, breathe, drink and eat on this planet EARTH. Therefore you have an obligation and equal right like anyone else to keep this planet livable and breathable. Cigarette smoking is one of the major causes that are making this planet unlivable. Rid yourself of this satanic evil if you are gripped by it and stand up against it. Join my blog and let our voices become one. Let there be synergy in our efforts.

Your non-smoking, non-drinking friend

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Massachusetts Law Will Require

Cigarette Ingredient List

BOSTON - Massachusetts is about to become the first state to require the tobacco industry to divulge the exact ingredients -from chocolate to ammonia - in each brand of cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco. Tobacco lobbyists complain the law is illegal, forcing them to reveal trade secrets to competitors. Besides, they say, the industry has already handed over a list of 599 ingredients found in cigarettes. But anti-smoking activists say the list does not give the exact amounts in each brand - critical in determining whether some cigarettes are more harmful than others. And they say letting people know exactly what they are inhaling, or chewing, would be a powerful way to get them to stop.
The result of the bill, passed by the Senate 39-0 last Thursday (7/25/96), may be public disclosure of "The List" of cigarette additives for the first time in history. Though manufacturers revealed their additives to the government in 1994, they were allowed to present a compiled list of 599--with no brands or amounts specified. In addition, the list was kept secret from the public. The Tolman bill (Sen. Warren Tolman, D-Waterford is chief sponsor) would require manufacturers to present their information to the Mass. Department of Public Health, which could then release the list to the public. Every food and every drug has to list its ingredients and tobacco products will now be held to the same standard, Tolman said.

©1996 Gene Borio, the Tobacco BBS

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