Failed intellectuals, arm-chair revolutionaries, frustrated utopians, tyrannical tycoons, spoilt spitritualists, profiteers, corrupt capitalists, lecherous leftists- all have ganged up against humanity in an unholy alliance.

whatever your views, whatever your religion, language, caste, color, creed, credo, nationality, profession, ideology, culture or any idiocyncracy --remember one thing that you will have to live, breathe, drink and eat on this planet EARTH. Therefore you have an obligation and equal right like anyone else to keep this planet livable and breathable. Cigarette smoking is one of the major causes that are making this planet unlivable. Rid yourself of this satanic evil if you are gripped by it and stand up against it. Join my blog and let our voices become one. Let there be synergy in our efforts.

Your non-smoking, non-drinking friend

Showing posts with label sexuality and smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexuality and smoking. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Smoking and sexual health

Smoking weakens your sexual health and your desire to make love as well as your potency. American doctors have arrived to this disappointing for inveterate smokers conclusion. As an example they provide declarations of young people who smoked heavily during a year and soon understood, that the dots of light of their cigarette had nothing to do with the fire of love for women.

Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct sexily smokes her cigarette anticipating a big love. It may seem sexy for some men. But in real sex life smoking is simply a narcotic with all its harmfull effects.

Researches from the University of Reproductive Physiology and Andrology (Kentucky, USA)claim that smoking affects male sexual health dramatically. They examined 290 married couples, who wanted to rid themselves from infertility. The scientists carried out a questionarre survey in order to find out their pacients attitude to smoking. The survey showed that no woman under study smoked. However 158 men at the age from 26 to 35 smoked up to 30 cigarettes a day for more than 7 years.

The results of the survey proved the doctors assumption that mens smoking influenced their fertility negatively. In addition it was found out that smoking weakened sexual desire and satisfaction of men who are even younger than 20-30.

The smokers reported that they had sex less than 6 times a month, while nonsmokers did it twice as many. This difference seemed important to the researches, because these couples were eager to have a baby.

Sexual satisfaction

The scientists found out that when sexual desire is joined with the bad habbit, a complete satisfaction is impossible. When people under study were asked to evaluate their satisfaction with sex according to ten-point scale, the average mark of nonsmokers was 8,7 while the couples where the husband smoked gave themselves only 5,2 points.

No doubt, sexual satisfaction of each man and the frequency of coupling could increase if the men gave up smoking. The specialists also ascertained that smoking also has a negative influence on muscles inside the penis, what prevents it from erection.

Smoking is especially harmful for women. They get older quickier. Their skin gets thin and loose. Often they have bad teeth and unpleasant smell from the mouth. Their voice becomes harsh. It is hardly possible for such a woman to arouse passion in a man, because men genetically direct their attention to the tenderness of a woman voice, her fresh complexion and shine of her eyes.

Smoking women who use hormonal contraceptives suffer from side effects more often.

Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to have a low birth-weight baby that will have health problems after birth. Such women much more often suffer from depression and psychosis after childbirth.


Fertility of a smoking woman is not likely to last long. Usually such women experience menopause earlier than those who do not smoke.

There is no use frightening you with all the negative sides of smoking. Perhaps you have already understood that smoking is worth giving up.Otherwise you risk your sexual health, your sex life and health of your future children. Is a cigarette more important for you?


Can Smoking Cigarettes or Marijuana

Lower Your Sperm Count or Sex Drive?

Smoking cigarettes or marijuana has been known to cause a number of health problems, which may possibly include lowering your sperm count, your semen production, and even your libido (sex drive). There are hundreds of toxins in cigarettes and marijuana, many of which can cause diseases and health problems that will last a lifetime. A low sperm count will increase your chance of infertility and can have profound effects on your overall sex life, including erectile dysfunction. Men that smoke too much marijuana may find their sex drive declines very rapidly. We intend to clarify some issues between smoking and male semen production in this article.

Most people know about the variety of toxins in cigarettes - including tar, cyanide, ammonia, nicotine and many other chemicals that are known to be bad for your health. Some of the things that smoking can cause includes cancer, emphysema, asthma, and many more diseases. The second hand smoke from burning cigarettes as well as second hand exhaled smoke is well known to cause health problems in people that don't even smoke, but are often exposed to it. These health issues are all fairly common knowledge, but did you know that cigarettes can be harmful to a mans sex drive, sperm production, fertility, and even his overall sexual performance.

Many studies have found an increased incidence of infertility, as well as decreased sperm production, in male smokers. Another relationship that some studies have found is an increased percentage of abnormal sperm, and sperm with poor motility (swimming irregularities, crooked tails, etc.). Such defects can effectively lower male fertility without even lowering sperm count, which also happens to be another unfortunate side effect of smoking. While most studies are conducted with cigarette smoke as opposed to marijuana, researchers believe that marijuana also causes many of the same problems that cigarettes do.

Besides reducing male fertility, smoking can ruin your libido and overall sexual virility. There is a link that has been found between smoking and impotence, for example. Many heavy smokers complain about weak erections and erectile difficulties. Another thing to think about is smoking before having sex might be turning your partner off if they are a non-smoker. During sex, most women don't want to smell cigarette smoke on your breath, so make sure you don't smell like you just lit up right before you came to bed. Smoking has also been said to make semen taste very bitter, which can lead to hurt feelings in the bedroom.

As you probably already know, smoking can be very detrimental to your overall health. Studies are finding that the complications cause by smoking also apply to sperm production, as well as your virility and libido. From the increased chance of infertility, to the higher rate of impotence, erectile dysfunction, and weak erections, cigarettes and marijuana can both be harmful to your sex life. Quitting smoking cigarettes or marijuana is not easy to do, but something that needs to be considered if you plan on having a healthy life and healthy family.

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